Hair Loss Remedies - Conquering Hair Loss in Natural Way
Posted by William Detweiler on Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Many people suffer from hair loss - and there are several causes for hair loss. Alopecia is the general word that is used to refer to any type of hair loss. The most common type of hair loss is male or female pattern baldness - or androgenetic Alopecia - which is caused by genetics. A number of other circumstances - from environmental to medical can also cause hair loss.
Before you begin any treatment regimen, you should consult a dermatologist to determine the cause of your hair loss. Hair loss is a common symptom for hundreds of medical conditions - and determining whether or not your hair loss is a symptom of a medical condition will determine the route you need to take - your medical condition will need to be taken care of before treatment for hair loss. Knowing the cause of the hair loss is the first step to finding a successful hair loss remedy.
Hair Loss Remedies
Once you have determined the cause of your hair loss, you will find there are a variety of hair loss remedies - some natural, some medical, and some cosmetic. Your dermatologist can help you find the right solution. Over the past few years, medical treatment of hair loss has grown tremendously - in some cases, learning what causes the hair loss enables drugs to be made that can stop the hair loss before it happens.
Drug-related hair loss remedies do not work for everyone and the success of this type of hair loss treatment depends on the reason for the hair loss. Cosmetic remedies have also become a popular way for people to combat hair loss - and is sometimes an option for people who are not successful with other types of hair loss remedies. But, cosmetic hair replacement can be quite expensive.
Many people have found natural remedies for hair loss. The premise behind natural hair loss remedies is that hair loss is a natural condition and can, in some cases, be dramatically decreased by using natural remedies. There are many types of natural hair loss remedies including exercise to increase blood flow, massaging the scalp, and herbal hair loss remedies, which involve the use of natural herbs.
Herbal Remedies For Hair Loss
There are many types of herbal remedies for hair loss - some are used to stimulate hair growth and others are used to keep the hair and the scalp healthy in order to prevent hair loss. Let's explore some of these natural hair loss remedies.
1. Henna can be used to condition and maintain healthy hair - thus, decreasing the chances of hair loss. Henna is a traditional herb that has been used for a number of years to maintain healthy hair.
2. Aloe Vera is another traditional herb that has been used effectively in the prevention of hair loss. Native Americans, as well as people in the Caribbean and India have used Aloe Vera to maintain healthy hair and prevent hair loss. Combined with wheat germ oil and coconut milk, Aloe Vera can be made into a shampoo that cleanses and heals the scalp.
3. Jojoba Oil is an herbal remedy for hair loss that has been used successfully in people who suffer from skin conditions, such as eczema, psoriasis, and has been used successfully in the treatment of dandruff.
4. Aromatherapists use lavender and bay essential oils to massage the scalp and stimulate hair growth.
5. Horsetail can be used to stimulate hair follicles. This herb can be used to help conquer pattern baldness by strengthening weak hair and promoting hair growth.
6. Rosemary is another herbal remedy for hair loss that can be used in oil for massaging the scalp and stimulating hair growth.
7. Saw Palmetto can be used to block the hormone DHT, which is part of the cause of hair loss. Saw Palmetto can be used in oils, added to other formulas, or taken internally in capsule form.
8. Ginseng can be used as a stimulant and helps improve circulation. Ginseng can also be used to remove toxins clogging the hair follicles, increasing the chance of healthy hair growth. Like Saw Palmetto, Ginseng can be used as oil, added to other formulas, or taken internally in capsule form.
These are just a few of the many herbal remedies for hair loss. Other herbs used to prevent hair loss or stimulate hair growth include green tea, ginkgo biloba, licorice, nettles, and sage. There are many other herbs that can be used for the prevention and treatment of hair loss in many combinations of shampoos and oils - some even used as teas to stimulate blood flow, thus stimulating the natural growth of hair. As with any treatment, be sure to check with your dermatologist to find the cause of the hair loss so that you can make an informed decision on the right hair loss remedy for you.
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